Radentscheid Jena

For better cycling in Jena!

The bicycle is one of the most important means of transport for tomorrow’s inner-city mobility and is an elementary component of an environmentally friendly traffic turnaround. It combines speed with flexibility, contributes to a healthy lifestyle and is versatile thanks to electric assistance. The basic prerequisite for comfortable and safe cycling is a good infrastructure. To make this a reality in Jena, we need the signatures of 6000 citizens. You too can sign it.

Current status of signature collection


Valid Signatures


Signatures of further supporters


junior signatures

Our Claims

Durchgängiges Radverkehrsnetz
Continuous cycling network
Sichere Radwege auf Hauptverkehrsstraßen
Safe bike lanes on main roads
Sichere Kreuzungen
Barrier- and obstacle-free bicycle paths and sidewalks
Sichere Schulradwege
Safe crossings and junctions
Durchgängiges Radverkehrsnetz
Safe routes to school

Sichere Radwege auf Hauptverkehrsstraßen
Sufficient parking facilities for bicycles
Sichere Kreuzungen
Public relations work

Sichere Schulradwege
Transparency and implementation